
The RedCart online store platform has been on the e-commerce market since 2008. The company is efficiently managed by a team of people who have been associated with the e-commerce industry in Poland and on the markets of Western Europe for years.  The store owner, using the SMS module, will be able to notify the customer about the change of the order status directly from the list of orders or the order card.

List of functionalities

  • Sending notifications about the change of order status
  • Create message templates

How to use the integration?

In order to activate SMS notifications, go to the Marketing - Integrations - External websites tab in the RedCart Administration Panel, and then select the configuration from the list next to the "Platform for sending SMS messages". A form will appear, below which there is a link to register an account. Once the account is created in the form, select from the drop-down list and enter your login details in the fields, and then confirm them with the "Save" button.

Setup and operation is via an interface implemented within the software.
By manufacturer
Implementation makes software publisher.
No fee for downloading the module (or run for modules installed by the manufacturer).
The direct model accounting for the purchase of sms packages is done directly on the SerwerSMS.
Online stores
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