
The debt collector is a program designed to support and systematize the debt collection process. The program organizes the debt collection procedure at its every stage, facilitates settlements with debtors and control of timely debt repayments.  The debt collector can be used both in independent accounting departments for the recovery of own receivables of enterprises as well as in debt collection companies, financial offices to recover debts of other entities.  Thanks to the ePanel platform, clients of the debt collection company will have access to their cases 24 hours a day.

List of functionalities

  • Defining your own message templates using your own variables 
  • Immediate and scheduled sending
  • Automatic adding of messages to cases according to the planned paths of debt collection proceedings (scenarios)
  • Checking the status of sent messages
  • Download delivery reports
  • Full message history
  • Mass operations on SMS with one button (adding to cases, sending, checking statuses)

How to use the integration?

Contact AntCom to purchase the module. In the configuration, in addition to entering the login and password to your account at, you must also enter the address of the SMS gateway in the form:

Setup and operation is via an interface implemented within the software.
By manufacturer
Implementation makes software publisher.
Contact the manufacturer of the module in order to obtain information about the charge.
The direct model accounting for the purchase of sms packages is done directly on the SerwerSMS.
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